Reports and Papers


UK National Ammonia Monitoring Network 2008 Annual Report  Analysis of temporal and spatial patterns of NH3 and NH4+ over the UK - 2008; 35pp.

Acid deposition processes (extension). Final report 2009: 56pp 

UK National Ammonia Monitoring Network 2007 Annual Report  Analysis of temporal and spatial patterns of NH3 and NH4+ over the UK - 2007; 47pp.

Acid deposition processes. Final report 2007: 110pp 

UK Heavy Metal Monitoring Network 2003 - 2005, Project Number EPG 1/3/204

Acid deposition processes. Final report 2004: 180pp

NEGTAP (2001). Transbounbary Air Pollution: Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone in the UK . Report of the National Expert Group on Transboundary Air Pollution (D Fowler Chair). UK Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

There is a library on the UK-AIR Website containing Defra air quality contract reports.